Saturday, August 9, 2008

Blog 006 "Ouch times seven"


Fans of my blog, or at least frequent readers, will recall that yesterday I went to sleep on a cheap cheap cheap couch that was way to small to fit me (reason #6 I hate traveling) and then went to graduation where I just sat down for two hours, then went to a long lunch where I just sat down for 1 and a half hours and then lastly went got into the car and hey hey I just sat for two and half hours. Well this list of sitting turns out to be the very same ingridients to the magic potion known as "Make your neck hurt like hell". I am okay with stomache aches, head aches, being sick, feet falling asleep, burns, cuts, but nothing in this entire world will ever be able to trump the extreme pain of a neck or back being sore, injured or harmed. I am bed ridden. I can move my arms, very painfully I can sit up or sit down and walking is a bitch, My head is at a constant 90 degree angle to the right and I have nothing I can really do. This is unbearable and if it where perniment I think its the worst pain in exsistance. and I am not exagirating (but I am exagerating on how to spell the word) If I had the choice of having this neck pain or loosing both my legs I think I'd go for the legs. I'm immoble right now, I'm completly usless. If my grammar seems worse than usual its because it is. I am under lots of stress right now, having to deal with lots of immature teenagers or as I call them "Puberty Sacs". Then school begins in 2 weeks...I hate so much
My last few blogs sure are short