Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Blog 003 "Mi Casa su Casa bu-bu-bu-Baby!"

FUNFACT: The Beatles White Album became the white album because the Beatles where fighting too much to agree on a cover or apear in a photo-shoot together.

What in the world does the title of this blog mean? I don't really know, its a incorrectly spelt spanish phrase "Your house is my house" except said by the Rock n' roll know what....don't ask. Today I am here to talk to you about the filming. Back in my very very young days my mother bought a camera, thought it was mostly used to film birthdays, film Chirstmas, and make my mothers arm sore with its enourmous weight it was also used was singular time to film a collection of fairy tales with my sisters, yes I have sisters I just never mentioned them because they moved away. Anyways, I have no memory of this but when I watch the home movies where I play little bo peeps one sheep I can see it in my little eyes that I was crazy for film. I would spend the late days of child hood and my "Tween"  years writing god awful scripts about robots and talking about becoming a screen-writer, this of course led to a twelfth birthday gift, a digital camera. MY very very first film is a stop motion called "Slug Vs. Dino" it was not unlike "Itchy and Scratchy" or "Tom & Jerry". I think I still have a copy. Slug Vs. Dino would have two sequels before my sixth grade class recruited me to make a short film for a science project. This, my fourth film, would be called "ELECTRIC MONSTER" a clay-mation in which a small clay-mation monster stood in front of the camera, while I (with no editing software) would do the voice into the camera. It was a smash hit to the sixth graders and from that point on every school project was a short film featuring Eletric Monster, one included a cameo of his brother and sister, while in a latter one my friend, James Crafton, would voice "Shadow". I am rambling on now, no one really cares. Well, Then after about age 13 I stopped making film and spent all my time just day-dreaming about making big budget films about robots. I spent all this time until one day, 5 months ago, I was sent an email by the official "Cloverfield" website. The message described a "MAKE YOUR OWN CLOVERFIELD SHORT FILM AND WIN 3500$" I instantly got a plot together in my head and recruited Arlen Sinks and James Crafton to come out and run around with me while screaming (Cloverfield was Basically Godzilla except it was filmed the way The Blair Witch Project was) I got a plot and we spent an entire day filming this five minute movie. after we had filmed all the day scenes we had to wait for nightfall and in that time we filmed the short comedy  "Cloverfeld (also known as "It happened one Night")" my by best movie to date. "Cloverfield: The Second Day" was my film, it wasn't good, but it did give me lots of perspective on do's and don't of filming, I'll get into that later, though. I guess I should tell you about James Crafton and my sisters, eh?  My eldest sister, Jenny, older by seven years is a very strong person. She's getting a four-year degree in literature this thursday, she went and helped the needy in Africa (Which I would like to do one day) and later this month is moving to Spain to be a nanny (she is almost fluent in spanish) Yes, Jenny does everything, knows everything, Always has a good story to tell, always has someone nice to introduce you to, and has a good come-back to any insult. My Other Sister, Jackie, Older by five years. A soon to be proffesional stylist, she's not even out of beauty school and she's already climbing the rungs of the hair-business ladder.  Jackie is shy and has the best sence of humor. Once was a time she was the fattest of the family, and now as it is, she is the most beautiful of all the Davis's. Not that the others of the family are ugly, its just such a sucsess story, a real "Ugly Duckling" Tale. Jenny may have helped more people in bigger ways, But Jackie has a heart just as golden. I am very proud to have them as sisters.  James Crafton I met in the fifth grade and we hang out time to time. James is tall, a giant and might as well be a Calvin Cline model, he's a ladies man with all the right things to say at the right time. I think I'm only his friend because my "George Costanza"-esque ways and looks make him feel better about himself, I'm kidding...a little bit....I called him James in sixth and seventh grade, in eighth I called him Jay-Mez and his nickname spawned a second nickname, "The Mez." Last people I guess I should talk about is 
T H E - - - T - A - G - - - G R O U P
The tag room was (maybe still is) a strong gang of friends. We sat together for Lunch every single day and every friday night we caught a movie. We where close-knit, 7 or so "Always Members" and then 4 or so "Sometimes members". We made a movie together "The Delilah Footage" for the Cloverfield contest, but that is a story for another day. In fact the entire tale of the Tag room is a tale for another day.