Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blog 002 "Me Continued"


Yes, I happened to Catch "L.A. Confidential" last night, it was okay I just thought it was funny how many times he got shot and didn't die. Anywho, my love for music was really all started by a deep seated love for the Queen greatest hits album, Queen really turned my on to music and even still today they are a big piece of my music heart. Later that Queen best of CD would become the Beatles "1" album, Starting three years ago I became a HUGE Beatles fan, (favorite album: The white album) I Gobbled up every book, poster, album, documentary that came my way (my walls and bookshelves are still littered with the memorobelia). Recently though, I'd say in the last seven months, I grew apart from the Beatles, I bought the "Lennon: Legend" album, still the best purchase of my life. I became very glad that The Beatles had broken up because the solo career of John Winston Lennon, and the love became more deeper then his music. Lennon became a guide on religion and ethics to me, I didnt agree with everything, he could go way overboard on some views, but songs like "Imagine" "God" "Give Peace a Chance" "Woman is the ****** of The World" really impacted me. I have cried while listening to "Mother" and "Jealous Guy". On the other spectrum, My other hero is the dastardly Quinton Tarrentino, who I can never spell the name of. Tarrentino is brilliant, crazy, dark and violent. An example of his brilliance is that he uses racism to make an anti racism message and he uses violence to make an anti-violence perspective (I think). The reason his films are so much more than films is because they are so impossible while at the same time so possible. "Kill Bill" swerved back and forth between boderline farce and then moments of such realism you'd think you where there. Characters in Tarrarentino Movies are much like that of which you'd find in a cheap sitcom, they are unique and each and every one of them is slightly heartless, although they don't talk like cheap sitcom characters, the dialouge of a Tarrentino film is something of its own field and cannot be compared to any other writer. Now, if I havn't bored you to death with the "Hero Talk" lets go ahead and get this list out of the way now

10. Garden State
9. Kill Bill (counting both volumes)
8. Brain Dead (A.K.A. Dead Alive) 
7. American Beauty
6. Once
5. True Romance
4. 28 Days Later
3. Se7en
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

There are two zombie movies listed above, If there's anything about me you need to know I LOVE ZOMBIES! They represent a phycological fear of being alone and being unwanted/hated  by society, it also represents fear of loved ones changing and our deep fear of that or any change. On days where I really really get bored in school or on a road trip I think about a movie series I'd love to make (not really though) about zombies. The first one would take place in 1950 and it would be about a rugged scientist in an foreign land facing a tribe infected with a zombie virus (It would be like Indiana Jones meets the Mummy). Then in the second film (taking place in like 1965), the scientist who has a teenage son and daughter faces the very same virus in his own home-town, the scientist dies along with the childrens mother (This one would be like Night of the Living Dead) In the third film, now we're in 1976, the two kids have become scientists and are working together, the Virus breaks out again but is contained in a small research facilty and a team is sent in to try and gather information (Like Resident Evil 1) then I have no clue what happens in 1980, but then in 1990 the whole damn world ends causa the virus, and in the one that takes place in 2000s is about people living underground and being happy with there complicated hard lives and the leader of them is the son of the scientist...

I'm not ever really going to write a script or anything, and no one would see these movies, but they are lots of fun to daydream about